Food Getaway: Noche Buena

Merry Christmas everyone! (^o~)))

I was so happy to celebrate Christmas with my family and loved ones. Here's what we had (and still have) for our noche buena.  :)
The Crowd's Favorite
Something sticky :)
Premium 'Cut' Ham
Chicken Love!
Beat this Christmas heat
From sister with love
Bottoms Up! 
... and the last but definitely not the least is...

Some household holds a tradition of cooking a certain dish for this event. In our case, it's the nilaga. I love this nilaga 'cause it falls off the bones. Really tender and delicious. What's your Noche Buena experience? Share it here loves. xoxo.

Season's Greetings y'all! ♥ :)

1 comment

  1. you have a lot of yummy food! merry Christmas to you and your family!


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